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Horses accompanied our soldiers everywhere, they were in all our victories and in all our battles, they learned about the plight of the roads of Galicia and the horror of the Russian winters, they fought with our people and they didn't suffer any less, actually maybe more, than our heroes. For animals, silent and half-conscious, do not feel the spiritual grandeur that turns someone into a hero in war, sometimes through a quasi-religious experience; they do not know that it was for a victory that their nerves tore, their muscles stretched, their veins burst, it was for this victory they were hit with a whip and they were injured; they did not feel the meaning and the triumph of things, in the most terrible pain, they only felt the pain.

Stefan Zweig, Lebende Kampfmittel, 1925 - During World War I, Stefan Zweig was posted in the "literary group" of the War Archives. His task among others was to write such propaganda texts (published in volume in 1925).